By accomplishing this form, you consent to the collection of the following information:
· Name, PRC Number, Email, CP Number -to be used as proof of your attendance to the webinar and will be submitted to PRC, PMA, and PAFP for their record keeping of CPD units gained
· Email address -to receive the event links as well as the digital certificate
· Specialization, Title -to properly match our webinars and offerings according to your profession and specialization
· Location -to profile our attendees based on their geographic location and offer programs specific to their area
· Others -for UMED’s evaluation of the effectiveness of its promotional channels in reaching out to new participants.
This information will be housed in a secure database that only authorized UMED personnel can access. At any point in time, you have the right to access or correct this information by e-mailing us at or None of this information will be shared to any third party without your prior consent.